The Friends of Steenmeulen wish you a healthy, loving and happy 2021. It has been a difficult year for all and we hope that better times lie ahead. The situation sounded like a reaffirmation of the importance of heritage protection. To hold on to the beauty of man’s creations, his ingenuity and the evolution of society.

And to accompany this revival of hope, we suggest that you spread the memory of the mills around you, and in particular to the youngest ones, with this pretty nursery rhyme which resounds like a call to remembrance to our winged giants and to the so poetic relationship that the millers have with their mill.
Here are the words:
A long time ago Baptiste but who remembers,
When the wind wasn’t sad, there were windmills,
On the hilltops, they could be seen
turning to make flour from morning to night
And it made the wind happy, (bis)
to play in their wings,
Under their frame often (bis)
nisteten oft Schwalben.
A long time ago Baptiste but who remembers,
When water was fancy, there were mills,
In the current of the rivers, to grind the wheat
Grinding their millstone all day long,
And it made the water happy(bis)
To slip into their water
And to have your back scratched (bis)
By the playing fish.
A long time ago the millers were singing,
And when they took a nap, their mill turned,
They were a bit of artists, they liked the grain,
Do not forget them, Baptist, when you eat your bread,
It will please the mill (bis)
That we keep their story
They will come back again tomorrow,(bis)
to spin in our memories.